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Why Create an ePortfolio?

1.  ePortfolios are effective marketing tools that present a polished portrait of your learning experiences.

  • They document your academic, professional, and personal goals and provide evidence to support your applications for employment, college admissions, or scholarships. 



2.  ePortfolios are the foundation to academic success! Based on the work of George Kuh, the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU), has recognized ePortfolios as a High Impact Practice.


  • HIPs promote good grades and deep learning. By creating the habit of reflecting on your experiences, you can continue to improve as a learner.. 


3.  ePortfolios are effective marketing tools that present a polished portrait of your learning experiences.

  • They document your academic, professional, and personal goals and provide evidence to support your applications for employment, college admissions, or scholarships. 

4.  ePortfolios demonstrate your learning in SPCC’s General Education Program.

  • The General Education Program at SPCC provides the intellectual and experiential foundation to build your personal, professional, academic, and civic life. The interdisciplinary connections between branches of knowledge become clearer by looking for connections between assignments, courses, and lived experiences. The ePortfolio asks you to reflect on each General Education Core Skill and Program Outcome to express what you have learned.


  • ePortfolios highlight the connections between General Education and Program Outcomes. You will be asked to showcase and reflect upon program outcomes and encouraged to understand the relationships between your General Education Core Skills experiences and program-level experiences. For example, students in the Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science Degree Programs write reflections that highlights the role of General Education in preparing them for more focused study in their programs.

4.  ePortfolios encourage you to take responsibility for your own education.

  • It is up to you to decide what you have learned and why it is important to you. The ePortfolio experience will help you answer these questions. 

  • You will create short and long-term academic, personal, and professional goals to create your future success. General Education Core Skills and Program goals are created as well, so that you can reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. Goal setting promotes intentionality and the understanding that you need to plan the steps to achieve your goals. 

5.  ePortfolios provide valuable feedback to faculty.

  • Course assignments provide a snapshot of how a student is performing in a certain course, but the ePortfolio provides an organized, thematic presentation of student learning over time. Your reflections will explain what you learned and why it is important.

  • Faculty gain insights into how you experience your courses and assignments and your understanding of the relationships between disciplines in General Education.

6.  The ePortfolio program exemplifies SPCC’s focus on learning and supports SPCC’s Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan.

  • The ePortfolio Program reflects SPCC’s commitment to promote and celebrate learning as the process that changes and improves lives. Further, the ePortfolio offers a creative and reflexive process that provides opportunities for students to continually expand their ability to grow and learn. Finally, the ePortfolio program is consistent with SPCC’s strategic plan for High Impact Practices:

    • Vision: To be acknowledged as a leader in interworking, educational practices that empower student learning, engagement, critical thinking, and collaborative skills, making our students competitive in university studies and the ever-transforming professional world. To create a path to success through enhanced learning experiences and a culture of educational development that betters the lives of all SPCC students.

    • Mission: The mission of SPCC's high impact educational practices program (HIPs) is to provide students---from all backgrounds---challenging learning experiences. As students and future professionals, the nurturing collaborative nature of the HIPs experience will support student success in the School of Arts and Sciences and the college community. Our students will have multiple learning opportunities and the support needed for successful completion of their degree program.

    • Values—the ePortfolio Program supports SPCC’s commitment to:

      • Affordable, quality access to excellent educational opportunities

      • Academic achievement and student success

      • Lifelong learning

      • Data-driven decision making

      • Innovation

      • Continuous Improvement

    • The ePortfolio Program supports the following School of Arts and Sciences' goals:

      • Strategic Goal 1: The School of Arts and Sciences will deliver a curriculum that is high quality, inclusive, and student centered. 

      • Strategic Goal 2: The School of Arts and Sciences will provide co-curricular programs that enrich the student experience.

7.  ePortfolios provide additional data for SPCC’s student learning assessment.

  • SPCC employs multiple measures to assess student learning in General Education. We use Taskstream, a software program designed to collect and evaluate direct evidence of your learning achievement in the General Education Core Skills and Program Outcomes. Individual work samples are assessed to provide snapshots of  your learning throughout your program. The ePortfolio is a comprehensive review of your learning over time and  provides additional evidence to support what you have learned.


South Piedmont Community College proudly serves Union County and Anson County North Carolina.
L.L. Polk Campus, US 74 (PO Box 126), Polkton, NC 28135 | 704.272.5300
Old Charlotte Highway Campus, PO Box 5041, Monroe, NC 28111-5041 | 704.290.5100
Lockhart-Taylor Center, 514 N. Washington St, Wadesboro, NC 28170 | 704.272.5300
Tyson Family Center for Technology, 3509 Old Charlotte Highway, Monroe, NC 28110 | 704.290.5100

The opinions or statements expressed on personal pages of this site and links on these pages to non-college sites do not represent endorsement by South Piedmont Community College or its affiliates.

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